This is the first post and hopefully will mark a time when this all began. in the meantime, I’ll be working away the Cardano way in the background.
This site will be using @astroboysoup‘s CardanoPress. This is a set of plugins for WordPress that bridges Cardano with WordPress and allows a number of great features such as.
CardanoPress Core Features
- Nami Wallet login. Sign up and login to a website using your Nami Wallet. Use a NFT or token to verify your access to the website.
- Assign policy IDs to the website to restrict access by those policy IDs.
- Stake pool delegation
- CNFT Minting page for drops, not vending machine, just the frontend to handle a mint with antibot protection.
- Flint Wallet, Typhon, Nami, Yoroi dApp Connector and CCVault are now all supported.
- Accepting payments
- Permissions and roles based on your stake delegation
- Permissions and roles base on NFT in your wallet giving user access to pay wall content
Plugins From CardanoPress
- CardanoPress Core Plugin – Github:
- CardanoPress Governance Plugin – Github:
- CardanoPress ISPO Plugin – Github:
- CardanoPress Wallet Browser Extension Interface Plugin – Github:
- CardanoPress Bootstrap Theme – Github:
CardanoPress – Governance Plugin
I think out of the selection of plugins available from CardanoPress, the plugin we will use the most will be the Governance plugin.
A Plugin that allows for proposals to be voted against with on chain voting.
Users will submit transactions to themselves based on what they wish to vote on for various proposals.
Each vote is then tracked and tally for the total results for that proposal. Governance can then be actioned. plans to tie these result actions in with smart contracts and related contracts to help be the foundation of DAOs.
“Very exciting stuff indeed, well I know, I’m Excited.”
The Long And Short Of It
Stick around as i build this site using CardanoPress. This is the beginning, lets see where we end up.
While we do things please check out 🙂